
Test Testy

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Silence before the storm

It's eight term and today is day 3 - post sample drop and addition day and no classes. Campus is completely silent, people are going through different sorts of emotions. The goal with which people have come here is more or less achieved. Even someone is not happy with what he/she got nothing can be done for the next 5 months, so it's kind of a vacuum period.

This is an interesting time, some people will enjoy this "no responsibilities or commitments time," some will suddenly feel lost due to "no visible enemy (or goal)," few are excited about "great time that is ahead," some will be wondering how to handle the "change of guard" and so on and so forth.

It'll be interesting to see how far this batch is gonna travel both in terms of geographical and achievements distance. We all came here for a year to learn together and we all will get separated now. While I wouldn't say that I have created strong bonds with many batchmates I can definitely say I have started forming with many.

There must be a lot of people outside wanting to know more about placements but they will have to wait for the official statement that will come sometime in mid-March. But I can say that it has been quite smooth and satisfactory.

We have some very interesting courses and one of those that I have opted for is Microfinance. The learning here has definitely clarified lots of questions and has shown lots of paths to achieve my goals. I can say I am more clear now than a year before about how I would spend the rest of my life. I can safely say that I have finished one-third of my life (optimistic estimated life span of 90 years) and now I am determined to make each day in my life count. I am in the process of identifying key aspects in which I would like to make a difference and will take a count at the end of the day everyday and wouldn't loose track.

You can guess my mood from what I wrote above and I'll take leave till the time there is more to report or a compelling thought pushes me to write.


  1. Hi Kiran,

    I am a silent follower of your blog and I must say the last piece of yours is one of the best. I liked the way emotions in the campus are portrayed.

    Good luck.

  2. Thanks Vijay. It's nice to see someone who's reading it and relating to it.

