
Test Testy

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

It's all about signaling

In every situation, whether in personal life or corporate life, we will be signaling many things by behaving in a certain way. Think about it, people around us are constantly assessing you just by what you are saying but by many other things.

While some of the signals are explicit many are implicit and some times are distorted by emotions. To succeed in life it therefore becomes important to manage the kind of signaling we do. Each of us, consciously or sub-consciously, will be constantly trying to portray a certain image.

As most you will agree, our thoughts shape our behavior and sometimes even our appearance. This has become a fascinating thing for me these days to observe people and trying to assess what's the image they are trying to portray and what others are perceiving. In some cases the signals are so strong that I am getting biased but in some cases the signal is weak and it appears that these people are attempting anything. May be they don't want to grab too much attention. While it is difficult to project and establish a positive image, it is so easy to project a negative image. I believe that this is true for corporates and also individuals.

Things are getting hot at ISB as the placement week is coming closer. While there is lot of anticipation among the readers of this bog, I have decided not to get into details on this blog. I would rather focus on observing things during this stressful time as I expect this situation to bring out the best and worst out of people.


  1. Good luck with your placements Kiran. And yea, you have a great blog. I have been following for a while but too lazy to write comment.

  2. Thanks buddy for your wishes and thanks for the comment.


  3. Good post, interesting and useful.

    Based on your corporate experience, what would you say are some issues that could project a negative image for an employee? What are the type of things that we should avoid doing at work so our image isn't negative?

    Thanks much and great job!
